TPE ke thepa e nepahetseng ka ho fetesisa bakeng sa ho lokisa lihlahisoa tse nang le matla a matle a ho tiea, joalo ka lebanta la tsitsipano, tension tube le lebanta la ho hanyetsa.
Ntle le moo, TPE e ka boela ea sebelisoa bakeng sa lihlahisoa tsa extrusion joalo ka mabanta a conveyor, tourniquets, sealant strips, le lipeipi tsa metsi.TPE mona e bolela hore SEBS base material is a linear triblock copolymer with polystyrene as the terminal segment and ethylene butene copolymer e fumanoang ka hydrogenation of polybutadiene e le intermediate elastic block, kahoo e na le botsitso bo botle le ho hanyetsa botsofali.
Lihlahisoa tsa TPE ke life?
Hoa tsebahala hore TPE, ke hore, thermoplastic elastomer, e boetse e tsejoa e le TPR libakeng tse ngata.E ka sebelisoa e le thepa e tala ea lihlahisoa tse ngata tse bonolo tsa rabara ka ho fetola litsamaiso tse fapaneng tsa tlhahiso
1. Indasteri ea lintho tsa ho bapala: lipopi tsa ho bapala, lintho tsa ho bapala tsa rabara tse bonolo, lithaere tsa ho bapala, lintho tsa ho bapala, lipapali tsa ho etsisa, joalo-joalo.
2. Indasteri ea lipeipi tsa metsi: e ka etsa li-hoses, liphaephe tsa telescopic tsa serapeng, joalo-joalo.
3. Tšebeliso ea sekhomaretsi: Polasetiki e bonolo ea TPE e ka sebelisoa hohle moo ho hlokahalang ho phuthela sekhomaretsi.Sekhomaretsi se tloaelehileng sa letsoho, joalo ka sekhomaretsi sa borashe ba meno,Khamera Pro Pole Tšoara TPE, gluing scooter handle, power tool handle gluing, art thipa gluing, theipi tape gluing, moqomo oa lithōle oa ho phutha, letlapa la ho phutha, sekotlolo sa ho phutha, bate e phuthoang, joalo-joalo.
4. Indasteri ea thepa ea lieta: e ka etsa sole, insole, heel, heighten insole, joalo-joalo.
5. Smart wear: e ka etsoa hore e be Smart Bracelet / smart watch wristband.Metsoalle e kileng ea ela hloko theknoloji ea elektronike e ka ’na eaba e tloaelane le eona.Hape ke e 'ngoe ea likopo tse tsebahalang tsa TPE lilemong tsa morao tjena.
6. Thepa ea lipapali: e ka sebelisoa e le lebanta la tsitsipano, tube ea tsitsipano, mathe a yoga, poleiti ea khatello ea menoana, sekoaelo sa libaesekele,Letlapa la TPE, lieta tsa frog, O-type grip, joalo-joalo.
7. Indasteri ea likoloi: re ka etsa likarolo tse ngata tsa koloi, joalo ka seal seal strip, auto foot mat, sekoaelo sa lerōle la koloi, melumo ea likoloi, joalo-joalo.
8. Mohala oa elektronike: o ka sebelisoa e le thapo ea litsebe, thapo ea data, mokotla oa mohala oa thelefono, lisebelisoa tsa plug, joalo-joalo;
9. Boemo ba ho kopana ha lijo: lihlahisoa tse ka sebelisoang e le lisebelisoa tsa kichineng li ka sebelisoa e le liboto tsa ho poma, lithipa le lifereko, ho paka lijo le ho phuthela ka polasetiki ea lisebelisoa tsa kichineng.
Hajoale, mefuta ea li-elastomer tsa thermoplastic tse sebelisoang indastering ea lijo 'marakeng li kenyelletsa thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), rabara ea thermoplastic (TPR), thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO), jj.
Nako ea poso: Aug-23-2022